Lumbar Traction Therapy utilizes a mechanical force to help relieve symptoms of disk injury.
This device helps to stretch and mobilize the spine and tight spinal muscles, increase the disk spaces, reduce muscle spasm or spinal nerve compression (due to inflammation or bone spurs), and release adhesions around the annulus.
Pain in the low back and/or legs may be the result of damage to one of the intervertebral disks.
The vertebral column (backbone) is made up of 26 bones (vertebrae). It provides protection to the spinal cord that runs through its central cavity. Between each vertebra is a round, soft, gel-like cushion called an intervertebral disk.
Each disk has a strong outer ring of fibers called the annulus, and a soft, jelly-like center called the nucleus pulposus. The annulus is the strongest area of the disk. It helps keep the disk’s center intact.
The disks keep the bones from rubbing against each other, allow the vertebral column to be flexible and act as shock absorbers during everyday activities such as walking, running and jumping.
Disk injury occurs most frequently in the lower back. Improper or repetitive lifting and bending, trauma, sports injuries and weakened trunk muscles can lead to disk bulge, protrusion and herniation (protrusion of the soft jelly-like center through the surrounding annulus).
The resulting inflammation may cause pain in the low back and/or legs. Symptoms are worse upon waking, bending, sitting and coughing or sneezing.